is an original ?
political cartoons are rather rare, most are "cheap’ in
content and drawing. I like one on the right (top image) by the
German illustrator Gerhard Mester: The euro is ill. Doctors and
nurses are carrying it up the stairs on a stretcher and IV tubes
are hanging from the weak European currency as it fights for its
life. "Don't give up; we're nearly there", says the
nurse. But the stairs go round and round without actually getting
higher, so the euro will never make much progress.
cartoon was awarded R ückblende
2012 first prize, Germany's most important award for political
cartoons. Rightly so. It’s a timely and high quality political
cartoon in content and drawing. But don’t ask if is original
because very likely we wont agree what is the meaning of ‘original’.
That euro is ill - it has been said by thousands. And the drawing
itself reminds you - I’m sure - on one of M.C. Esher’s
"impossible graphics", the stairs you climb up into
their low beginning (on the right, lower image). The cartoon is
original, I would say, nevertheless.
you place your own, ‘original", phrase on the web, a good
search engine will find the same phrase uploaded by someone among
over a billion people on the web, I’m sure. And if we go to
elaborate this more deeply, we run into the copyright legacy on
the web. Not this week, however, not me.