I’ve reported how impressed and puzzled I am with a high level
of mirror symmetry in the drawings of my grandson, age four. There
I’ve stated that the mirror symmetry of my grandson’s drawings
is a construct of his mind, not a reflection of his environment.
And a forecast that other symmetries are to be
"discovered" soon.
it happened really soon, after only two weeks - take a look at the
photo on the right. Suddenly, my grandson replaced the drawing
paper with the larger stones collected on the beach, washed and
smoothed by the waves. A dozen of his drawings on the stone are
very good, starting with a well selected color of the pen used for
a particular stone. But one on the right is especial - it
announces, very clearly, central symmetry.
looks as the previously reported mirror symmetry was prompted by
the rectangular form of the drawing paper. Here, dealing with an
irregular shape of the rather flat stone, my grandson found the
central symmetry to fit best his mind constructions. Mind, I
emphasize, not the environment.