a case of mild prosopagnosia (face blindness; "mild",
that’s my assessment based on my own experience, I read about
the severe cases). My ability to recognize faces is somewhat
impaired, while other aspects of visual recognition and processing
is normal (well, that’s also my assessment). Because face is an
important identifying feature in social life, I can tell you
stories about the difficulties to socialize normally with others.
But the present writing is on another face recognition subject:
the trust based on the features of human face. What it is about
certain human faces that makes them look either trustworthy or
hard to resist the temptation to judge strangers by their faces. I’ve
stumbled on the photo on the right while browsing the Google
images for something else. Of course I didn’t recognize the man,
I’ve warned you about that in the first paragraph. I felt
attracted to the man, I sensed I can trust that man. I would
believe what he says, I would follow his advice.
filings were somewhat shaken when I realized it’s a photo of the
notable contemporary theoretical physicist Leonard Susskind with
whom I disagree on some basic principles - from where I stand, he
is a prominent builder of the religious physics