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from real numbers to octonions

Regardless of the kind of numbers used in a particular natural science hypo- thesis or theory, the testable result is a real number. Girolamo Cardano, who in 1545 boldly introduced the square root of -1 (now abbreviated as i  for ‘imaginary’) into his calculations giving ordinary real number as result, was not sure why this trick worked - all he knew was that it gave him the right result. Mathematicians began working with complex numbers of the form a+bi, where a and b are ordinary real numbers, and natural science calculations became flooded with them. We readily accept complex numbers in grade school because of the geometrical visualization (see on the right): the set of all real numbers forms a line (one-dimensional set) while any complex number is a point in the plane (two-dimensional set). Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division could be presented as geometric manipulation on the line for real numbers while in the plane for complex numbers.

The reason we use complex numbers is that we can solve more equations with complex numbers than with real numbers. If a two-dimensional number system gives the user added calculating power, what about even higher- dimensional systems? In 1835, W.R. Hamilton learned the hard way that a three-dimensional number system is not in accord with division. By 1958 it was proved that any division algebra must have dimensions one (the real numbers), two (the complex numbers), four (the quaternions), or eight (the octonions).

In a good popular writing The Strangest Numbers in String Theory, J.C. Baez and J. Huerta contemplate on higher meaning and role of quaternions and octonions. Interestingly enough, theoretical physicists promoting the hypo- thesis of supersymmetry (a symmetry between matter and the forces of nature) found the octonions to suit unified description of matter and forces. In string theory (which requires supersymmetry) two dimensions are added: one for the string and one for time. Most string theorists consider only 10-dimensi- onal versions of the theory to be self-consistent. The M-theory adds one more dimension, up to 11, replacing one-dimensional string with a two-dimensional membrane.

an excerpt from The Strangest Numbers in String Theory by J.C. Baez

                       and J. Huerta, in The Best Writings on Mathematics 2012

At this point, we should emphasize that string theory and M-theory have not yet made experimentally testable predictions. They are beautiful dreams - but so far only dreams. The universe we leave in does not look 10- or 11-dimensional, and we have not seen any symmetry between matter and force particles. A while ago, David Gross, one of the world’s leading experts on string theory, put the odds of seeing some evidence for supersymmetry at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider at 50 percent. Skeptics say they are much less. Only time will tell.

Because of this uncertainty, we are still a long way from knowing if the strange octonions are of fundamental importance in understanding the world we see around us or merely a piece of beautiful mathematics. Of course, mathematical beauty is a worthy end in itself, but it would be even more delightful if the octonions turned out to be built into the fabric of nature. As the story of the complex numbers and countless other mathematical developments demonstrates, it would hardly be the first time that purely mathematical inventions later provided the tool that physicists need.

The usage of octonions in a consistent string theory will prove neither the theory nor the deeper essence of octonions. Both, the physical laws and the mathematical objects, are product of our mind. So-called Laws of Nature are actually laws of our thinking about Nature.

real and complex numbers


Krešimir J. Adamić