original source of oxygen in the atmosphere was not biological
photosynthesis, however, but a chemical equivalent. Few processes
show more vividly the importance of the rate of reaction,
and the difference that life can make. Solar energy, especially
the ultraviolet rays, can split water to form hydrogen and oxygen
without the aid of a biological catalyst. Hydrogen gas is light
enough to escape the Earth’s gravity. Oxygen, a much heavier
gas, is retained in the atmosphere by gravity. On the early Earth,
most of the oxygen formed in this way reacted with iron in the
rocks and oceans, locking it permanently into crust. The net
result was that water was lost, because after it had been split,
the hydrogen seeped into space and the oxygen was consumed by the
crust instead of accumulating in the air.
billions of years, the loss of water through the effect of ultra-
violet radiation is thought to have cost Mars and Venus their
oceans. Today, both are dry and sterile, their crust oxidized and
their atmospheres filled with carbon dioxide. Both planets
oxidized slowly, and never accumulated more than a trace of free
oxygen in their atmospheres. Why did this happen on Mars and
Venus, but not on Earth? The critical difference may have been the
rate of oxygen formation. If oxygen is formed slowly, no faster
than the rate at which new rocks, minerals and gases are exposed
by weathering and volcanic activity, then all this oxygen will be
consumed by the crust instead of accumulating in the air. The
crust will slowly oxidize, but oxygen will never accumulate in the
air. Only if oxygen is generated faster than the rate at which new
rocks and minerals are exposed can it begin to accumulate in the
itself saved the Earth from the sterile fate of Mars and Venus.
The injection of oxygen from photosynthesis overwhelmed the avail-
able exposed reactants in the Earth’s crust and oceans, allowing
free oxygen to accumulate in the atmosphere. Once present, free
oxygen stops the loss of water. The reason is that it reacts with
most of the hydrogen split from water to regenerate water, so
preserving the the oceans on Earth. James Lovelock, father of the
Gaia hypothesis and a rare scientific mind, estimates that today,
with oxygen in the air, the rate of hydrogen loss to space is
about 300 thousand tons per year. This equates to an annual loss
of nearly 3 million tons of water. Although this may sound
alarming, Lovelock calculates that at this rate it would take 4.5
billion years to lose just 1 percent of the Earth’s oceans. We
can thank photosynthesis for |
protection. If ever life existed on Mars or Venus, we can be sure
that it never learnt the trick of photosynthesis. In a very real
sense, our existence today is attributable to the early invention
of photosynthesis on Earth, and the rapid injection of oxygen into
the atmosphere through the action of a biological catalyst. |