data and
(facts and/or information) Presented
here are some social parameters for the Balkan states which emerged from
the former Yugoslavia, as listed in The CIA world factbook 2013;
the EU average values are used as reference (only Slovenia is currently an
EU member). Although these parameters carry some uncertainness (like the
lack of an account of "gray" economy, the perception of poverty
and inequality in a particular country, the dilemma family or household
for the Gini factor, and a general bias of social values by the so called
developed countries), the parameters tell a strong story. For instance,
are the Balkan counties aware how much they deviate from EU average,
whatever that means, and that the drive for EU membership could result in
a higher social inequality?
- a nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) at pur- chasing power
parity (ppp) exchange rates is the sum value of all goods and
services produced in the country valued at prices prevailing in the
United States in the year noted.
per capita shows gross domestic product (GDP) on a purchasing
power parity (ppp) basis divided by population as of 1st
July for the same year.
index - this index measures the degree of inequality in the
distribution of family income in a country. The index is calculated
from the Lorenz curve, in which cumulative family income is plotted
against the number of families arranged |
the poorest to the richest. The more unequal a country income
distribution, the higher is its Gini index; if income were
distributed with perfect equality, the index would be zero.
rate is the percent of the labor force that is without jobs.
below poverty line. Definition of poverty vary considerably
among nations. For example, rich nations generally employ more
generous standards of poverty than poor nations. |