independent drinking Around here, in Dalmatia, I’m witnessing a rapid increase in vineyard area for the last eight years. However, Organisation International de la Vigne er du Vin (OIV) data for Croatia show a rapid decline in vineyard area and wine production and consumption: in two years, from 2003 to 2005, the vineyard area in Croatia was reduced by 47.5% (!!), wine production decreased by 29.4% and wine consumption by 25.3% (per capita for 25.8%). So, what’s going on? The vineyard & wine facts could relate to the general decline in Croatian agriculture - and all production, for that matter - during the same time period. Because Northern (continental, Pannonian) area was the "bread & butter" part of Croatia, the wine production decline is likely in that area. Several counties in the area, which were notable for their agriculture, are nowadays among the poorest in the state of Croatia, no wonder. As for the likeness of production and consumption curves below, Croats are independent drinkers - they consume practically all their own wine themselves, as much as there is. I wasn’t able to get hold of data for Croatia after 2008. (You know the internet story: if you are a member ... ) Interestingly enough, OIV graphs show world-wide decrease in vineyard area and wine production.