all of the considerations about the benefits of Christian morality
in Western society, it's sometimes easy to lose sight of just how
anomalous and primitive Christian religiosity is. While it is easy
to understand why it is so - religion is a human product and
religiosity reflects human perceptions of the world, nature and
society - a question lingers why it is not being improved, like most
of the other human products. Why all those popes and bishops at
various times can’t admit "we poor human creatures didn’t
understand God’s message correctly" or "we pictured that
wrongly"? Even worse, it looks that through the centuries the
absurdities accumulate.
Take, for instance, angels, God’s messengers
and missionaries. Only three angels are menti- oned in Bible by name
but Matthew announced that Jesus have twelve legions of angels,
ready to carry his orders. No mention of wings. And in early
Christian art angels were presented as small boys, naked (that is
how we know they are boys), without wings. Then small boys got
wings. Why? In nature, there are examples of simple earthly creatures,
unattractive if not ugly, who in the second life become winged
beauties. The second life, the afterlife, is the main bait of all
Down the road, angels are presented as girls,
not small (that is how we know they are girls), with wings. Not
naked but carefully dressed so that angelic tits and hips are not
obstructed unpleasantly. And generally, tits and hips are pictured
more realistically than wings.