gave up reading translations to Croatian language long time ago -
generally they are unacceptable, poorly translated, poorly edited.
The price for that is rather high because I miss the works on
languages I don’t master.
however, one of them caught my eye with the title Kad slučajnost
odlučuje (in English it would be When chance decides). I just couldn’t
believe that the author, Amir D. Aczel, would put such a title. And,
yes, the English original title is just Chance. Chance means absence
of any cause of events that can be predicted, understood, or
controlled and author gives suggestions how to make a decision when
the only thing you know about the event is some probability. The
decision is yours!
consider unlikely the translator (Dušan Trbojević) doctored the
title, more likely the editor (Damir Mikuličić) did it. Hey, Damir,
remember the lectures on Statistical Physics?