and images
atom is a pattern. Just a pattern from literature. A pattern of
vastly empty space but still a model we believe in. A molecule is a
pattern. Just a pattern from literature but a pattern somewhat
easier to perceive, larger molecules in particular: we color various
atoms in the molecule, we draw bonds among them. The pattern could
be attractive for our eyes, we may even think that molecules
actually look like that. A cell is a pattern, just a pattern from
literature. A rather complex pattern, like one I brought earlier [weekly100711],
and a good graphic designer can make an attractive image out of it.
Still, this is an image I believe in because of some other data
input into my brain, not just from my eyes.
photo of agave bloom, on the right, is also a pattern. A pattern
from our world (not some microworld or gigaworld), a pattern in our
dimensions so the input from my eyes only does the job. |