days ago I’ve experienced a garden robbery, vegetable lifting to
be more precise. It happened during the hours I was in the city,
food shopping. The looting was systematic: all our vegetables of
usable size and taste are gone: tomato, egg-plant, cucumber,
paprika, zucchini. All gone. A hard hit, no so much for the market value as
for the gardener’s integrity. I was, in this summer mediterranean hell,
watering them every day before the sunrise, weeding, talking to
them, being proud of them.
there were times in human history when stealing (and killing the owners) was a standard
food acquiring technology but they say that nowadays we are
creatures of our own making because culture has forestalled natural
selection and put destiny into our hands. Obviously, from my
vegetable lifting experience, not all hands are on the same cultural
level. Maybe that is because evolution is overrun by culture, it
didn’t have time to do something with those thief genes.
would do such a thing? Who would know of our vegetable garden, the
current status of it? Well, only tourists are trespassing our land. I
place Czech tourists as high suspects. Maybe I’m wrong (biased?)
but I doubt it.