caught my eye with its Quantcast Audience Profile for the website I expected traffic data, both in number of visits
and number of bytes, but I found much more. How and from whom they
collected the visitors data on nationality, age, sex, educa- tion,
income, family size... ? Yet they claim:
does not collect any personally identifiable information - that is,
information that could be used to uniquely identify or locate an
That is, I’m sure they know if I visit bathroom before or after
website, only US bathrooms for now but they will advance globally.
for the graphs, do I see anything of interest? The monthly average
of 19,200 visitors and 372 kB (19.4 kB per visitor) is not something
to talk about. What happen- ed on Mar.8, 2007 (max. visitors) and Aug.9,
2009 (max. bytes)?
Mar.8, 2007 Vjesnik reported that US Congress backs Croatia’s
NATO member- ship and US State Department Bureau of Democracy, Human
Rights and Labor issued a 2006 Country Report on Human Rights
Practices in Croatia.
Aug.9, 2009 Vjesnik reported on the inflammable conflict
between Croatian president Stjepan Mesić and Croatian catholic
church (which I also commented: grWeekly090920) but obviously that
didn’t make the max bytes. It was the first of two U2's
concerts (U2 360°
Tour, 1st leg: Europe) held on football stadium Maksimir in Zagreb.