The Croatian word for ship is ... Many authors, novelists and social scientists, linguists in particular, put forward a notion that Croats, although they reached Adriatic coast as early as 7th century AD, never became a true maritime nation. The notion is doing injustice to many famous Croatian sailors, merchant captains and high ranked naval officers, who for the last five centuries navigated, and they still do, under the flags of many maritime auras and naval powers. However, the notion is not far from truth when general population mentality is concerned. One may argue that Croats never "invested" efforts in their language to bear own marine terminology. For instance, Croatian brod is literally English ship but Radovan Vidović in his Pomorski rječnik (Maritime Dictionary, Logos, Split, 1984) cites over 50 terms used for ship (in general meaning, not various types) along the Croatian Adriatic coast; and they are virtually all of Greek or Latin or Roman origin.