The High
Speed Internet (HSI) has deceived me and lured me into the placement
of 300 to 400 kB graphics onto this website. And not until I
witnessed what my friends in Croatia are going through when visiting
the site, would I realize what disservice I am doing to my objective
of quality graphical presentation.
for many of my images there are alternatives to JPG 80 which I
typically use as a graphic file format, that is, smaller file size
alternatives which do not reduce the image quality on a computer
screen. Are there some general rules when these alternatives are
acceptable? The research presented here involves 12 images of
increasing complexity, but within the limits of rectangular color
fields of only two colors, red RGB (FF0000)
and blue RGB (0000FF):
figure above is a legend; the test images are all 256 by 256 pixels,
without a code (white numerals), all color fields are multiples of a
8 by 8 pixels cell, and the number of color fields makes the series
images are composed in Micrografx Designer v.7.1, and the file size
research is conducted in Adobe Photoshop LE v.2.0. In all reported
file types and file sizes, my eye could not detect an image
deterioration on the computer screen at 96 pixels per inch.