be credible, the Democrats need ideas of their own. Mr Gingrich may
have opposed everything the Democrats did in the 1990s, but he also
had a positive and radical manifesto, the Contract with America. On
Social Security, the Democrats have no plan really at all; the same
goes for education, the economy and foreign policy. No wonder such a
pessimistic party does so badly in America's fastest growing
Democratic revival, The Economist, May 28, 2005. Contract
with America, as ambitious as it is, is only the agenda of the
first hundred days of the first Republican-controlled House of
Representatives in more than four decades. It represents the first
substantive steps on the road to a smaller government with lower
taxes and fewer regulations. Passage
of the Contract will dramatically change the way Washington
does business, and change the business Washington does. In two years
the public will have a record to look at, and they will know whether
Republicans really were different when they took control of the
people's House for the first time in forty years, or if they slipped
easily into business as usual. Contract
with America, The Bold Plan by Rep. Newt Gingrich, Rep. Dick Armey,
and the House Republicans to Change the Nation (E. Gillespie and
B. Schellhas, Eds), Times Books, New
York, 1994.
great blue heron (Ardea
herodias) Tantra Lake,
Boulder, CO
changes were not as dramatic as envisioned
but Republicans have the
initiative ever since;
overshooting intentional?