There is
no historical record of any Christ’s writings. Was he literate,
either by learning or by the divine influence? Furthermore, his
disciples never mentioned an explicit request for his teachings to
be recorded in writing.
never wrote a solitary word of the New Testament - not one word.
[...] Is it not strange that he gave no orders to have his words
preserved - words upon which hung the salvation of a world?
was nothing written? I will tell you. In my judgment they expected
the end of the world in a few days. That generation was not to pass
away until the heavens should be rolled up as a scroll, and until
the earth should melt with fervent heat. That was their belief. They
believed that the world was to be destroyed, and that there was to
be another coming, and that the saints were then to govern the
Green Ingersoll: How To Be Saved, 1880.